Watch your favorite Minions attempt to “Break the Board” is this movie short by Illumination.
Tag: videos
Halloween-Inspired LEGO brick builds
Looking for the best ideas for how to build LEGO for Halloween? We’ve got you covered! Created a favorite? Don’t forget, you can turn it into a wall sticker keepsake so you can decorate with it for years to come!
How to build a shark out of bricks
Sharks! What kid doesn’t love them? But, how do you build a shark out of bricks? Here are a few inspirations and guides.
How to build an alligator or crocodile out of bricks
If you’re hoping to build an alligator or crocodile out of LEGOS, look no further…we have sets, pre-builts and inspirational do-it-yourself videos to share.
Classic LEGO Bricks and Gears 10712
Add EYES, two big googly eyes and two “spinny” eyes to your LEGO collection. They are perfect for funny eyes on a monster, creating a dizzy animal, or as the top of a very fast helicopter!
Classic LEGO® Large Creative Brick Box 10698
Get CREATIVE: this LEGO® Classic box set comes in a plastic storage bin shaped like a brick (bonus!) and runs about $50 for 790 pieces.