Explore our round-up of clever LEGO-centric Valentine Card messages, perfect for use on your own DIY LEGO-themed Valentines and to gift with Brick-Built Heart Decals.
LEGO Valentine Puns / LEGO Love Puns
Never LEGO!
Love me and don’t LEGO!
I hope our connection will never LEGO!
I’ll never LEGO of our friendship!
Don’t LEGO of my heart, Valentine!
You are a friend I will never LEGO!
Valentine, I will never LEGO of a friend like you!
I’ll never LEGO of you!
I can’t LEGO of you!
Never LEGO of my heart!
Valentine, you’re a friend I won’t LEGO of!
I would walk on LEGOs for you!
I would walk over LEGOs for you!
I would step on a LEGO for you; it’s what friends do!
I wanna hold your hand, and never LEGO!
“Build” It Up
Let’s BUILD a fun friendship!
Let’s BUILD something beautiful together!
Let’s BUILD something AWESOME!
Good friends BUILD each other up!
Thank you for always BUILDING me up!
We were BUILT to be friends!
We were BUILT to be friends, Valentine!
We were BUILT 2B Friends!
We were BUILT for each other!
I was BUILT to be your Valentine!
I really like the friendship we’ve BUILT!
Our friendship is BUILT to last!
My heart is BUILT on friendship!
Let’s BUILD something together!
What should we BUILD? Our Friendship!
Awesome LEGO Valentine Themes
Have an AWESOME Valentine’s Day!
Everything is AWESOME!
Everything is AWESOME, including you!
Everything is AWESOME with you Valentine!
Everything is AWESOME with you as my friend!
You are AWESOME!
You’re AWESOME, Valentine!
I think you’re AWESOME!
Best teacher on the BLOCK!
Best friend on the BLOCK!
You are the best on the BLOCK!
LEGO Movie-Themed Valentine Messages
I’m WYLD about you, Valentine!
Love your WYLD STYLE!
Let’s be “VEST” friends!
You’re OUTTA this world! – Benny, the Astronaut
I’m BATTY for you! – Batman
You’re a Purrr-fect Fit! – UniKitty
Hi, BUDDY! Happy Valentines! – Good Cop, Bad Cop
Valentine, you have the PIECES of my heart!
Valentine, you hold the PIECES of my heart!
You make me go to PIECES!
You stole a PIECE of my heart!
You are my missing PIECE!
CONNECT with me!
I’m glad we CONNECTED!
I’m glad we CONNECTED at school!
We have a real CONNECTION, Valentine!
We’re CONNECTED, Valentine!
Piece by Piece, we really CLICK!
We CLICK, Valentine!
We just CLICK!
Let’s STICK together!
Valentine, I’ve got you all “FIGURED” out!
I FIGURE you’re an AWESOME friend!
I FIGURE you’re an AWESOME son!
I FIGURE you’re an AWESOME daughter!
HEAD over heels for you, Valentine!
Ninjago Valentine Messages
Valentine, you make me SPIN!
I FLIP over you, Valentine!
I get a KICK out of you, Valentine!
I get a KICK out of you!
Have a KICKIN’ Valentine’s Day!
I hope you have a KICKIN’ Valentines!
REACH for your full potential!
Valentine, REACH your full potential!
You STRIKE me as a good friend, Valentine!
I’m AIMING for your heart!
SNEAK ATTACK from your secret admirer!
I’ve been LOVE STRUCK!
You make me SPIN, Valentine!
Valentine, you LIGHT UP a room!
We hope you enjoyed this inspirational list of Valentine LEGO wording.
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