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Pizza Topping Fraction Math

This simple idea visually displays fractions in a fun and engaging way. No set-up required, you just need markers and paper.

Teach fractions with pizza toppings math activity

How to teach fractions with pizza toppings

Perfect for first, second, or third-grade students this introductory fraction activity helps children visualize fractions by drawing pizza toppings.

Getting Started

Fast but effective, use this math activity to teach and reinforce the concept of fractions. No worksheets or printables required!

Start by asking your child to draw a pizza. You can use a plain piece of paper, brown paper/paper bag, a paper plate, or cut out a circle. Heck, you could even do this exercise with playdough. How elaborate you get is completely up to you!

Perfect for first, second, or third-grade students this introductory fraction activity helps children visualize fractions by drawing pizza toppings. With no set-up required, you can do this simple activity with just paper and markers. Useful for teacher and homeschooling parents, alike, get inspired by this quick, effective fraction teaching idea. #fractions #steam #math #activity

Make Your Pizza

Select 4 or 5 toppings and ask your child to draw them on the pizza. We added pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms, and chunks of sausage.

Once your pizza is full of toppings, ask your child to draw a legend. We illustrated our legend for each topping by vertically stacking each topping above the other.

For each topping, have your child count the quantity of that topping that he or she drew. Write the number of each topping as the top part of the fraction. This number is the numerator.

Now draw a horizontal line, the fractional line, and put the total quantity of toppings below the line. The bottom number is the denominator.

Explain to your child that the number of pepperonis is a fraction of the total number and quantity of toppings. Continue this process for each topping.

With virtually no prep, this simple pizza topping fractions math activity is a perfect short activity for students just learning about fractions. It gives students a visual way to count and understand the concept of numerators and denominators. #playful #steam #stem #drawit #homeschool #teachfractions #fractions #pizza #math

When you’re finished, make sure to add each of the numerators together to make sure their sum is the same number as the denominator. For instance, if your fraction’s bottom number is 28 then the total of all your toppings should also be 28.

During this exercise, our double-check showed us that we had miscounted the sausage. Instead of 8, there were 7 sausages on our pizza.

In our household, we really enjoyed this STEAM activity because it was a quick and effective visual exercise to reinforce the concept of fractions.

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With virtually no prep, this simple pizza topping fractions math activity is a perfect short activity for students just learning about fractions. It gives students a visual way to count and understand the concept of numerators and denominators. #playful #steam #stem #drawit #homeschool #teachfractions #fractions #pizza #math


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