This year, turn your child’s artwork into a holiday gift keepsake – perfect for Father’s Day, too!
At our home, our kids crank out the artwork, and we love it!
I often peruse the house for their most recent drawings and confiscate my favorites before the papers become creased, folded, and marked with peanut butter oil and sticky fingerprints.
One of my favorite things about KID-DRAWN WINDOW CLINGS or KID-DRAWN WALL STICKERS is that the used kid-drawn artwork doesn’t have to be frame-worthy. It can literally be a doodle photographed from a crinkled piece of paper.
As you can see below, the heart flags and trout for Daddy are drawn on folded and crinkled paper and there’s even a grease mark!
Typically, these gems may get tossed, but not this time. Instead, we turned them into keepsake gifts for Father’s Day!

ON SALE: features a “For Dad” Bundle where you can upload up to 4 pieces of your child’s artwork for printing onto keepsake Window Clings or Wall Decals.

Arts and Bricks’s Kid-Drawn Window Clings stick to windows and mirrors without the use of adhesive.

Perfect for decorating make-shift work-at-home corridors or off-site offices, these colorful window clings bring a touch of love from home to the workplace!

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